The HOTLINE ® blood and fluid warmer provides the most consistent normothermic blood and fluid delivery performance across a range of fluid warmers. This consistency is achieved through the unique system design which is comprised of a warmer with a pump to circulate warmth-transferring fluid and a disposable fluid warming set with triple lumen construction. The triple lumen tubing allows blood or fluid to be warmed as it travels through the sterile center lumen while heated circulating fluid flows through the outer lumens, enveloping the center lumen in warmth. The Importance of Maintaining NormothermiaKeeping your patients at a normal body temperature is crucial to the prevention of complications resulting from unintended perioperative hypothermia, which occurs when the body’s core temperature falls below 36°C. Unintended perioperative hypothermia has been called a frequent, preventable complication of surgery. Among the 51 million inpatient and 34.7 million ambulatory surgeries occurring annually in the United States, it is estimated that 50-90% suffer from accidental hypothermia.(1-4).
Thermal care in the perioperative period. Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology. 39-62, 2008.Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Inpatient Surgery (Data are for the U.S.). Accessed May 10, 2013. Available at.Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
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Outpatient Surgeries on the Rise. Accessed May 10, 2013. Available at.Young V, Watson M. Prevention of Perioperative Hypothermia in Plastic Surgery. Aesthetic Surgery Journal 2006; 551-571. The triple lumen tubing allows blood or fluid to travel through the sterile center lumen of the HOTLINE ® fluid warming set to the patient as heated circulating fluid flows through the two outer lumens, enveloping the center lumen in warmth.
Because the outer and central lumens are entirely separate, the recirculating solution never comes in contact with the infused blood or fluid, and therefore presents no risk of cross-contamination and is an essential safety feature to the HOTLINE ® blood and fluid warmer. HOTLINE ® Blood and Fluid WarmerFor the past two decades, Smiths Medical Level 1 ® HOTLINE ® blood and fluid warmer has played an integral part in the prevention of perioperative hypothermia in over 30 million surgeries.
The blood and fluid warming system offers a safe, reliable, and proven technology to warm and deliver blood and fluids to patients undergoing surgical procedures. The unique design of the triple lumen tubing has established the HOTLINE ® blood and fluid warmer as the only blood and fluid warming system that eliminates patient line cool-down and delivers consistently warmed fluids to the patient at routine, gravity flow rates.
Additional Warmers & AccessoriesLevel 1 ® is the gold standard for temperature management – saving lives and improving patient outcomes by minimizing complications such as surgical infections.As the worldwide leader in temperature management, Smiths Medical designs and manufactures patient warming solutions for the entire continuum of care. From rapid infusion to routine blood and fluid warming to irrigation warming, temperature monitoring and convective warming – we help healthcare professionals improve patient outcomes in every setting every day.The Level 1 ® temperature management product range includes:. Smiths Medical is part of the global technology business Smiths Group plc.
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Product(s) described may not be licensed or available for sale in all countries. Level 1, HOTLINE, and the Level 1, HOTLINE and Smiths Medical design marks are trademarks of Smiths Medical. The symbol ® indicates the trademark is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and certain other countries. All other names and marks mentioned are the trade names, trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.
Please see the Instructions for Use for a complete listing of the indications, contraindications, warnings and precautions.